The Impact of Artist Residencies

The Impact of Artist Residencies

In response to the global Covid crisis of 2020 Guest Projects moved away from offering a physical project space, focusing instead on digitally enabling and supporting the creation of new works, trialling of ideas, creative programming and online community engagement.

Guest Projects Digital was conceived as a means of continuing to support multidisciplinary artists by providing access to digital and online resources regardless of physical and cultural barriers to collaboration and experimentation. The first Guest Projects Digital programme ran from June to October 2020 and facilitated four two-month residencies for curatorial collectives.

Upon completion, they were asked to evaluate the impact of the programme considering the immediate effect on their practice alongside any anticipated influence on their future professional and artistic development. These were their answers.

This film features the following Guest Projects Digital 2020 residency curators and artists:

Rhine Bernardino
Lottie Whalen
Melanie King
Hannah Fletcher
Yewande YoYo Odunubi
Suzanna Petot
Linda Rocco

_inventory Platform: Where I’m Coming From
Decorating Dissidence: Take Dada Seriously (It’s Worth It?)
London Alternative Photography Collective: The Sustainable Darkroom
London Alternative Photography Collective: The Sustainable Darkroom
Graveyard of Ideas
Decorating Dissidence: Take Dada Seriously (It’s Worth It?)
_inventory Platform: Where I’m Coming From

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