As we enter December we’re excited to bring you our final G.A.S. Lagos build update of the year. There is a flurry of activity outside the building where ambitious works are taking place. The railings on the exterior ramp have been fixed to the structure and the large steel security gate door is in the process of being installed.

The sewage plant system progress (L) and second-floor window installation (R).
A borehole has been drilled in the courtyard to accommodate the sewage treatment plant which will be the teams focus for the next two weeks. They will also be making a start on the kerbs and driveway at the front of the property the slabs for which will have to be cast on-site due to their size.

Folding partition door and aluminium bookshelf installation.
Inside the space, the aluminium bookshelf installation is progressing well throughout. The beautiful timber doors and partitions between the various rooms have been delivered and the team is busy fixing these into place. There has also been significant progress on the bathroom tiling and the window installation is nearing completion. Today the team will begin cleaning and sealing the interior concrete walls bringing us one step closer to the fit-out and furnishing stage.